Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lookin' Forward to Drama and Literature y'all..

Nothing can be more boring than listening or read the word LITERATURE in the eyes of modern society nowadays. Look at the literary books and novels, how the selling is in the market. One would think that it is a waste to print and publish those thick, so called fantasy, mythical, adventures and love story books while we can just watch them in real life action of movies. One would say only students read literary stuffs, those who are bookworms to the extent of geeks. Why should we read and study through the works of those authors and poets dead long ago? Shakespeare, Robert Frost, Wilfred Owen to name some.

Yet, we do forget from where literature comes from and what it brings. Shakespeare, who is famous for his works like Macbeth and King Lear, has brought the new meaning to live plays. He mesmerizes anyone with his poems and stories. But how? Through his flair of manipulating language and emotion. Though we do not entirely understand what his texts about at a first glance, but in time, we would realize the message is simple. Only that play on words could confuse and conceal. Wilfred Owen, as we see, creates literature from his own experience of war and torment. He showed the sight of killing to the eyes of the readers who are sitting, sipping hot coffee at home. Emily Dickinson, wrote her dark poetries from her depression and the sorrow side of the world that she saw. As linguistic and education researchers say, literature is “authentic and genuine”, of a person’s expression and emotion.

I remembered the first class meeting with Dr. Edwin this semester. He talked about the history of the drama, where it originates from and how it expands. It did quite mesmerize me though. I thought drama is merely for entertainment, well, the source says it deals with tragedy too. The history of drama correlates to the real history; religion, gender, morality and invasion. Christianity and morality brings in the retold of biblical anthology. By the way, his story of the biblical anthology of Abraham and Isaac was staggering as he told us that that fable is also called “the barbeque party”. After all, it does a little bit of impersonating a barbeque, but it is supposed not to be named that way as it was for holy sacrifice. It is surprising that early performances forbade women from acting. The history of invasion also takes place in the plays with the action of ancient wars, myth and heroes. Yes, we can see that from the plays of Greek’s gladiator, Chinese opera and those kabukis as well. Why not of our wayang kulit as well isn’t it?

Stage drama has become oblivion to the eyes of audience of this since the creation of radio, television and internet. The technology advancement has kept them at home watching filmed movies and modern drama. Well, the cinema is the most popular for paid public viewing of course, and the least people would do is attending theatres.

And, oh yes, 2009 brings in spectacular movies. Dragonball Evolution, Transformers 2, Wolverine: Origin, Street Fighter: Chun Li, The Fast and Furious 4, Underworld 3 and Terminator 4: Salvation to name some.

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